
How To Calculate Break Even Point In Excel

Break-fifty-fifty point assay is a measurement system that calculates the margin of safety past comparison the amount of revenues or units that must be sold to cover fixed and variable costs associated with making the sales. In other words, it's a manner to calculate when a project will be profitable by equating its full revenues with its total expenses. There are several different uses for the equation, only all of them deal with managerial accounting and cost direction.

The main thing to empathize in managerial accounting is the difference between revenues and profits. Not all revenues result in profits for the visitor. Many products price more to brand than the revenues they generate. Since the expenses are greater than the revenues, these products great a loss—not a turn a profit.

The purpose of the break-even analysis formula is to calculate the amount of sales that equates revenues to expenses and the amount of excess revenues, likewise known as profits, after the fixed and variable costs are met. In that location are many different ways to use this concept. Let'south take a expect at a few of them also as an example of how to summate break-even point.


The break-even point formula is calculated by dividing the total fixed costs of production by the toll per unit less the variable costs to produce the production.

BreakEven Point

Since the price per unit minus the variable costs of production is the definition of the contribution margin per unit, you can simply rephrase the equation by dividing the fixed costs past the contribution margin.

BreakEven Point Analysis

This computes the total number of units that must be sold in lodge for the company to generate enough revenues to comprehend all of its expenses. Now we tin take that concept and interpret it into sales dollars.

The interruption-fifty-fifty formula in sales dollars is calculated by multiplying the price of each unit of measurement by the answer from our first equation.

BreakEven Formula in Dollars

This will give u.s. the total dollar amount in sales that will we need to reach in order to have zero loss and zero turn a profit. Now nosotros can accept this concept a step further and compute the total number of units that need to be sold in guild to achieve a certain level profitability with out break-fifty-fifty figurer.

First nosotros take the desired dollar amount of profit and divide it past the contribution margin per unit. The computes the number of units nosotros need to sell in order to produce the turn a profit without taking in consideration the fixed costs. Now we must add together dorsum in the break-even point number of units. Here's what it looks similar.

BreakEven Analysis


Allow's take a look at an instance of each of these formulas. Barbara is the managerial accountant in accuse of a large furniture mill's product lines and supply chains. She isn't sure the electric current year'southward burrow models are going to plow a profit and what to measure out the number of units they volition have to produce and sell in society to cover their expenses and brand at $500,000 in profit. Here are the production stats.

  • Total stock-still costs: $500,000
  • Variable costs per unit: $300
  • Auction price per unit: $500
  • Desired profits: $200,000

Kickoff we demand to calculate the break-even point per unit, and then we will separate the $500,000 of fixed costs by the $200 contribution margin per unit of measurement ($500 – $300).

BreakEven Point Formula

As y'all can run across, the Barbara'southward manufacturing plant will have to sell at to the lowest degree two,500 units in order to cover it'due south fixed and variable costs. Annihilation it sells afterwards the 2,500 mark volition go direct to the CM since the fixed costs are already covered.

Side by side, Barbara can interpret the number of units into total sales dollars past multiplying the 2,500 units by the total sales cost for each unit of $500.

How to Calculate BreakEven

At present Barbara tin can go back to the board and say that the company must sell at to the lowest degree two,500 units or the equivalent of $1,250,000 in sales earlier whatever profits are realized. She tin also take it a footstep further and use a break-even point calculator to compute the total number of units that must exist produced in order to meet her $200,000 profitability goal past dividing the $200,000 desired turn a profit by the contribution margin and so adding the total number of suspension-fifty-fifty point units.

BreakEven Point Example

These are simply examples of the break-even indicate. You tin use these every bit a template for your business organisation or class work.


As you can meet there are many dissimilar ways to utilize this concept. Production managers and executives accept to be keenly aware of their level of sales and how shut they are to roofing fixed and variable costs at all times. That's why they constantly endeavour to change elements in the formulas reduce the number of units demand to produce and increase profitability.

For instance, if direction decided to increment the sales price of the couches in our instance by $50, it would have a drastic impact on the number of units required to sell before profitability. They tin can likewise change the variable costs for each unit of measurement by adding more than automation to the production process. Lower variable costs equate to greater profits per unit and reduce the full number that must be produced. Outsourcing can likewise change the price structure.

1 of the almost important concepts here is the margin of safety. That's the deviation betwixt the number of units required to come across a profit goal and the required units that must exist sold to cover the expenses. In our example, Barbara had to produce and sell 2,500 units to embrace the manufacturing plant expenditures and had to produce iii,500 units in order to meet her profit objectives. This 1,000-unit spread is the margin of safe. It'south the corporeality of sales the company tin can afford to lose merely nevertheless embrace its expenditures.

It's also important to keep in mind that all of these models reflect non-cash expense like depreciation. A more avant-garde break-fifty-fifty analysis calculator would decrease out non-cash expenses from the stock-still costs to compute the break-even betoken cash flow level.


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